

Are you familiar with the emotional juxtaposition of wanting to write something funny and only being able to think of the lesser entertaining fact, that you have slept through the whole afternoon.

Oh, stop it, hihihihihi

That you picked of all the peppers from your frozen pizza.

lol, lol, you are killing me, lol

That the push-down soap dispenser is almost empty.

Mercy, mercy, have mercy on me, I have already pissed my pants, I have drooled on my keyboard you are so freaking funny.

Sleep...pizza...soap dispenser, how do you come up with this stuff.

Sometimes I split my narrative ego to illustrate my point better.
However it is very dangerous.
Please don't try this at home.

Oh, you did, it again, huhuhuhu, it hurts, it hurts, it is so humorous...

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