
Curtains Up

Close them curtains and let the show begin.

If you have been at my humble Pest residence, you may well know that I have no curtains.
And no lampshades.
And no proper furniture?

Yes, yes, they sell all those things in Hungary, and I am sure at some point I had the money too, and one can always find time to shop and buy stuff, but no, no, no there were no curtains up until now.

That gave the people in the house opposite plenty of opportunity to stand and stare, to see and to behold my naked truth, my whole truth and nothing but my truth.

I was a one-woman gratis peepshow for the select few who lived in the right building on the right floors.

I was an instant hit. People in my immediate neighborhood

- witnessed their property increase in value
- inhaled more wholesome Pest oxygen due to open-window observation
- had an accelerated libido and very noisy sex to follow
- planned house parties around my bath-time
- Bla, bla, bla...

I also became naturally not only a conversation-piece, but also a selling point. Estate agents kept on pointing me out to potential buyers.

But now my curtains went up, all red, Persian and velvety.

So that's all folks.
Back to your miserable life.
Time to move.

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